Baumgardner 2024
Louise Baumgardner Glass
0:04 Introduction
0:27 Parents and siblings
1:32 My life, career, and bank consulting
3:15 Retirement
3:55 My memories of the family
4:46 Grandma
5:35 Coming to visit the farm
5:50 Making lye soap
6:25 Chickens and geese
7:50 “Brummalo”
9:10 The shop and the saddle
10:10 The girl cousins
10:45 Christmas
11.20 The back staircase
12:41 Meeting Juliana
13:25 Little Dave
14:20 The hay loft, milk cows, and pigs
15:20 Football games
15:40 The building of the house
16:33 Salt and pepper shakers and the birthday angel
18:05 Brute force and awkwardness
0:04 Introduction
0:27 Parents and siblings
1:32 My life, career, and bank consulting
3:15 Retirement
3:55 My memories of the family
4:46 Grandma
5:35 Coming to visit the farm
5:50 Making lye soap
6:25 Chickens and geese
7:50 “Brummalo”
9:10 The shop and the saddle
10:10 The girl cousins
10:45 Christmas
11.20 The back staircase
12:41 Meeting Juliana
13:25 Little Dave
14:20 The hay loft, milk cows, and pigs
15:20 Football games
15:40 The building of the house
16:33 Salt and pepper shakers and the birthday angel
18:05 Brute force and awkwardness
Maralee Baumgardner
0:04 Introduction
0:18 Meeting Marion Fisher Baumgardner
01:35 The 28th birthday
02:00 The bus to West Lafayette
2:55 Stopped to meet the parents
4:00 Meeting the Baumgardners
4:45 The trip to Texas
5:35 Meeting a real cowboy
6:15 The trip to Brownfield
7:20 Freshly picked watermelons
8:02 Finishing up our studies
9:18 The wedding
10:00 Life in Fair Lawn NJ
11:00 Waiting in Wellington
12:08 PhD at Purdue and the Texas Tech Soil Lab
12:50 Potato cake
13:10 A second child and Wellington for Christmas
13:50 Texas Tech soil testing
15:14 Family visits us at Lubbock
16:13 The kitchen island
16:45 Agricultural development program consultant, Argentina
17:45 The trip to Europe
18:40 Traveling light
20:47 First family reunion in Marble Falls
21:04 House in the woods
22:20 A great influence
0:04 Introduction
0:18 Meeting Marion Fisher Baumgardner
01:35 The 28th birthday
02:00 The bus to West Lafayette
2:55 Stopped to meet the parents
4:00 Meeting the Baumgardners
4:45 The trip to Texas
5:35 Meeting a real cowboy
6:15 The trip to Brownfield
7:20 Freshly picked watermelons
8:02 Finishing up our studies
9:18 The wedding
10:00 Life in Fair Lawn NJ
11:00 Waiting in Wellington
12:08 PhD at Purdue and the Texas Tech Soil Lab
12:50 Potato cake
13:10 A second child and Wellington for Christmas
13:50 Texas Tech soil testing
15:14 Family visits us at Lubbock
16:13 The kitchen island
16:45 Agricultural development program consultant, Argentina
17:45 The trip to Europe
18:40 Traveling light
20:47 First family reunion in Marble Falls
21:04 House in the woods
22:20 A great influence
Eva Ceskava
0:04 Introduction
0:28 Memories – Great-grandfather
1:43 My grandfather
3:10 The dugout
3:30 Cotton–growing 1914 & Grandma meeting. The early days
7:01 The remodel
8:36 Barbara’s wedding
9:25 1954 – two weeks at the farm
11:23 The barn
12:03 Grandma’s hands
13:06 Hoeing cotton and the little brown jug
15:11 Playing with cousins, the barn, geese, chickens, and eggs
18:33 A load of hogs goes to Ft Worth, silos, new pigs, life on the farm
23:23 What I learned on the farm and about family
24:40 Discerning mind and thinking for yourself
27:29 Catching chickens
28.39 1972 Napping with Grandma
30:10 1954 Summer and driving the Cub tractor, the funeral, the offset front door
0:04 Introduction
0:28 Memories – Great-grandfather
1:43 My grandfather
3:10 The dugout
3:30 Cotton–growing 1914 & Grandma meeting. The early days
7:01 The remodel
8:36 Barbara’s wedding
9:25 1954 – two weeks at the farm
11:23 The barn
12:03 Grandma’s hands
13:06 Hoeing cotton and the little brown jug
15:11 Playing with cousins, the barn, geese, chickens, and eggs
18:33 A load of hogs goes to Ft Worth, silos, new pigs, life on the farm
23:23 What I learned on the farm and about family
24:40 Discerning mind and thinking for yourself
27:29 Catching chickens
28.39 1972 Napping with Grandma
30:10 1954 Summer and driving the Cub tractor, the funeral, the offset front door
John R. Baumgardner
0:04 Introduction
1:39 Memories
3:09 The dramatic thing – Faith
10:36 Three WWII pilots
11:38 Education background
15:19 Start of professional career
19:29 Math – Large system equations
22:44 Sedimentary record and plate tectonics
23:59 Wrap up
0:04 Introduction
1:39 Memories
3:09 The dramatic thing – Faith
10:36 Three WWII pilots
11:38 Education background
15:19 Start of professional career
19:29 Math – Large system equations
22:44 Sedimentary record and plate tectonics
23:59 Wrap up
Joe L. Baumgardner
0:04 Introduction
3:33 Granpa Joe, the look, hoeing/chopping cotton, and getting paid
6:39 Grandma Eva
7:26 Older cousins, the Cub tractor, the signal for dinner
12:22 The silos and the rough ride
16:06 The eyebrows
16:51 Karl and the Methodist preacher
18:16 Important lessons and things learned
20:41 The .22 rifle and skinning rabbits
22:35 The metal roof and catching rainwater
23:49 Dad-isms and stories
0:04 Introduction
3:33 Granpa Joe, the look, hoeing/chopping cotton, and getting paid
6:39 Grandma Eva
7:26 Older cousins, the Cub tractor, the signal for dinner
12:22 The silos and the rough ride
16:06 The eyebrows
16:51 Karl and the Methodist preacher
18:16 Important lessons and things learned
20:41 The .22 rifle and skinning rabbits
22:35 The metal roof and catching rainwater
23:49 Dad-isms and stories
Barbara Baumgardner Lindley
0:04 Introduction
0:25 Christmas birthdays
1:26 Grandpa and Grandma
2:15 Wet kisses
2:30 Fireworks
3:10 Summertime
4:05 Junior high
4:40 Gathering eggs, the barn, shop and dugout
6:10 Special Christmas plates
7:25 Christmas 1958
0:04 Introduction
0:25 Christmas birthdays
1:26 Grandpa and Grandma
2:15 Wet kisses
2:30 Fireworks
3:10 Summertime
4:05 Junior high
4:40 Gathering eggs, the barn, shop and dugout
6:10 Special Christmas plates
7:25 Christmas 1958
Alice Camille Baumgardner Morris
0:04 Introduction
0:40 The Wellington connection
1:33 Grandpa
2:03 Grandmother
2:40 Gatherings
3:25 Loved to travel
3:40 Cousins
4:20 Reunion
5:18 Smells and sounds
6:00 Lubbock reunions at Mackenzie Park
6:30 Winter gatherings at the farm
0:04 Introduction
0:40 The Wellington connection
1:33 Grandpa
2:03 Grandmother
2:40 Gatherings
3:25 Loved to travel
3:40 Cousins
4:20 Reunion
5:18 Smells and sounds
6:00 Lubbock reunions at Mackenzie Park
6:30 Winter gatherings at the farm
Louise Baumgardner Glass
0:04 Introduction
0:27 Parents and siblings
1:32 My life, career, and bank consulting
3:15 Retirement
3:55 My memories of the family
4:46 Grandma
5:35 Coming to visit the farm
5:50 Making lye soap
6:25 Chickens and geese
7:50 “Brummalo”
9:10 The shop and the saddle
10:10 The girl cousins
10:45 Christmas
11.20 The back staircase
12:41 Meeting Juliana
13:25 Little Dave
14:20 The hay loft, milk cows, and pigs
15:20 Football games
15:40 The building of the house
16:33 Salt and pepper shakers and the birthday angel
18:05 Brute force and awkwardness
0:04 Introduction
0:27 Parents and siblings
1:32 My life, career, and bank consulting
3:15 Retirement
3:55 My memories of the family
4:46 Grandma
5:35 Coming to visit the farm
5:50 Making lye soap
6:25 Chickens and geese
7:50 “Brummalo”
9:10 The shop and the saddle
10:10 The girl cousins
10:45 Christmas
11.20 The back staircase
12:41 Meeting Juliana
13:25 Little Dave
14:20 The hay loft, milk cows, and pigs
15:20 Football games
15:40 The building of the house
16:33 Salt and pepper shakers and the birthday angel
18:05 Brute force and awkwardness
Robert W Baumgardner, Jr.
0:04 Introduction
0:40 Early family memories
2:43 The two-handed wave
2:05 Letters
4:27 Farm memories
5:21 The wasp
6:57 The kitchen with Louise and Juliana
8:38 Christmas memories
10:14 Santa
11:21 Currant jelly and home-churned butter
12:05 Farm smells
0:04 Introduction
0:40 Early family memories
2:43 The two-handed wave
2:05 Letters
4:27 Farm memories
5:21 The wasp
6:57 The kitchen with Louise and Juliana
8:38 Christmas memories
10:14 Santa
11:21 Currant jelly and home-churned butter
12:05 Farm smells
Jan B. Baumgardner
Karl Baumgardner
0:04 Introduction
1:15 Being the middle grandchild
1:45 Eary memories
2:26 Herbert Thompson, Methodist preacher
2:55 Grandma and the visits
4:22 B24 pilot
5:25 Christmas gifts
6:11 The gathering with older and younger cousins
7:30 The “stockings” chairs and Santa
9:19 Gathering eggs and farm-fresh milk
10:27 Rudolph and the look
11:16 Older cousins
14:15 The blessing of memories
0:04 Introduction
1:15 Being the middle grandchild
1:45 Eary memories
2:26 Herbert Thompson, Methodist preacher
2:55 Grandma and the visits
4:22 B24 pilot
5:25 Christmas gifts
6:11 The gathering with older and younger cousins
7:30 The “stockings” chairs and Santa
9:19 Gathering eggs and farm-fresh milk
10:27 Rudolph and the look
11:16 Older cousins
14:15 The blessing of memories
Juliana Baumgardner Moore
0:04 Introduction
0:33 Coming home
0:55 Grandma, travels, letter writing, and grammar
2:23 Sleeping with Grandma
2:40 “Be sweet, Juliana”, killing chickens, the garden
3:30 1965 black-eyed peas, currant jelly
5:26 Chopping cotton, working on the farm, underprivileged
5:51 Budgeting time, money, the savings account and the land purchase
7:25 Grandma – the later years
9:36 Playing the piano
11:12 The cistern and relining
12:33 Good cooks, leftovers and teenagers
13:36 The mother-in-law
15:00 Argentina, Europe, VW van and polyester
16:50 Growing up as the cousin destination
0:04 Introduction
0:33 Coming home
0:55 Grandma, travels, letter writing, and grammar
2:23 Sleeping with Grandma
2:40 “Be sweet, Juliana”, killing chickens, the garden
3:30 1965 black-eyed peas, currant jelly
5:26 Chopping cotton, working on the farm, underprivileged
5:51 Budgeting time, money, the savings account and the land purchase
7:25 Grandma – the later years
9:36 Playing the piano
11:12 The cistern and relining
12:33 Good cooks, leftovers and teenagers
13:36 The mother-in-law
15:00 Argentina, Europe, VW van and polyester
16:50 Growing up as the cousin destination
Sherrie Baumgardner Haynes
0:04 Introduction
0:37 Grandpa and Grandma
1:00 Grandma at our house
1:42 The two-handed wave and the kiss
2:43 What a legacy
3:17 Just blessed with heritage and family foundation
0:04 Introduction
0:37 Grandpa and Grandma
1:00 Grandma at our house
1:42 The two-handed wave and the kiss
2:43 What a legacy
3:17 Just blessed with heritage and family foundation
Paul Jacobson
0:04 Introduction
1:34 The 4 Musketeers, blow darts
3:29 Playing in the barn
4:30 The gatherings, the cistern
5:19 Honorable respect
6:50 Accepting people where they are
8:50 The war album
10:07 Digitizing the album
16:48 Grandpa Joe
17:25 John Henry
23:51 More to this world than you know
24:47 Joe, David, Randall, myself, and the Rudolph look
0:04 Introduction
1:34 The 4 Musketeers, blow darts
3:29 Playing in the barn
4:30 The gatherings, the cistern
5:19 Honorable respect
6:50 Accepting people where they are
8:50 The war album
10:07 Digitizing the album
16:48 Grandpa Joe
17:25 John Henry
23:51 More to this world than you know
24:47 Joe, David, Randall, myself, and the Rudolph look
Jo Ellen Jacobson
0:04 Introduction
0:35 Grandpa stories
1:03 Grandma stories
2:10 Phone calls
2:35 Snapping peas
2:55 Traveling to the farm
4:20 Gathering eggs and the geese
5:16 Christmas and snow
6:57 Being one of the younger grandchildren
7:50 Being out on the farm
8:10 The attic fan
8:50 The cistern and the cellar
9:48 Playing games at the house
10:18 The backyard
10:53 Things I learned
12:32 The centennial in 1991
0:04 Introduction
0:35 Grandpa stories
1:03 Grandma stories
2:10 Phone calls
2:35 Snapping peas
2:55 Traveling to the farm
4:20 Gathering eggs and the geese
5:16 Christmas and snow
6:57 Being one of the younger grandchildren
7:50 Being out on the farm
8:10 The attic fan
8:50 The cistern and the cellar
9:48 Playing games at the house
10:18 The backyard
10:53 Things I learned
12:32 The centennial in 1991
David Baumgardner, Jr.
0:04 Introduction
0:42 My connections
1:40 The gatherings, the 4 Musketeers
2:45 Departures
3:10 The barn, haystack, playing hide and seek
3:29 Growing up on the farm
5:50 Learning to drive a tractor and plow
6:38 Friends that lived in town
7:11 Coming in early
8:08 Sundays
8:24 Proud of what was accomplished
8:54 Cattle
9:52 Aunts and uncles
11:59 Growing up with Grandma
12:30 Letters
13:00 Chicken for supper
13:23 Birds in the chimney and house (the owl)
0:04 Introduction
0:42 My connections
1:40 The gatherings, the 4 Musketeers
2:45 Departures
3:10 The barn, haystack, playing hide and seek
3:29 Growing up on the farm
5:50 Learning to drive a tractor and plow
6:38 Friends that lived in town
7:11 Coming in early
8:08 Sundays
8:24 Proud of what was accomplished
8:54 Cattle
9:52 Aunts and uncles
11:59 Growing up with Grandma
12:30 Letters
13:00 Chicken for supper
13:23 Birds in the chimney and house (the owl)