Prospects relate best when they can get their hands on the product and learn for themselves how it solves their problems and fits their business flow. Product demonstrations should focus on telling a compelling story instead of simply providing a tour of the product's features and benefits, writes Sean McPheat. Make your prospect the hero of the story and your product the "magic sword" for solving a specific difficult problem. Below is an excerpt and a link to the full article.
- - Thanks, Neal Odom
How To Customize A Compelling Story For
Your Sales Presentation
Written by Sean McPheat
How many times have you made a presentation and afterwards thought ‘that was so boring, even I wouldn’t have bought my product!’
There are many occasions where we have presented a solution and it’s not created any connection with the prospect. How, then, can we build a great presentation and really connect with the prospect?
First, lets see what we shouldn’t do in our presentation: A product demonstration should NEVER be a tour of features and functions. Why not? Because people don’t buy your products. They buy what those products will do for them. They purchase the results they will get from using them.
So, we should not be emphasizing the features and benefits. Instead, a perfect product demonstration always tells a story, using the product as the visual hook that makes the story real.
Read the full article, click - -