Have you ever been out-negotiated? Yep, it has happened to me. Sean McPheat lists some basic principles that will improve and prosper your horse-trading skills. Below is an excerpt and a link to the full article.
- - Thanks, Neal Odom
10 Top Qualities Of A Good Negotiator
Written by Sean McPheat
Negotiation comes from the root word ‘negotiat’ meaning ‘done in the course of business’. In other words, it’s a natural part of the conversation process when dealing with prospects, so if you feel you’re not good at negotiating, or you don’t have the assertiveness to get a good position for yourself during a negotiation, then you are certainly missing out on carrying out better deals and working well with the prospect.
So, what are the top qualities needed today to negotiate to a great position for yourself or your business? Here are ten of the best:
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