Many times I have seen and truthfully been part of missed opportunities (as both a buyer and a seller) when simply focused on price. As a buyer I just want to get to the price of the product, as a seller I want to make sure you understand the value you are getting for the price. There is a delicate balance for both the buyer and the seller. A good buyer will listen to what the seller delivers to the conversation. Sellers sometimes want to give you the everything they know about the product, but a good seller will gage/measure the amount of information the buyer needs. Buyers on the other hand tend to skip across to the price. A good buyer should trust the seller to give him the information he needs to quickly understand the value being delivered. A skill both need to have to be a win for everyone.
Calum Coburn offers some great insight into an effective selling/buying process. Below is an excerpt and a link to the full article.
- - Thanks, Neal Odom
Negotiation Practices That Enhance Sales Profits
Move away from the price
Both the seller and buyer can easily get caught up on the price. One of the main mistakes made by sellers is focusing solely on price. Effective negotiating goes beyond what the customer will pay. You need to explain the value of your product in a manner which excludes financial terms. When you are selling a product that you are passionate about, you should have a few alternative conversation pointers to include.
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